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Kuramoto Taiki

Why Blog

Johanness Gutenberg printed the first book, the so-called 42-line Bible in 1455. Books very rapidly dropped in price over the next hundred years, but Gutenberg's Bible, books had to be written by hand. So, it's no surprise that few people, aside from the clergy, knew how to read to write.

We're all modern-day printers. We can create flyers, postcards and PowerPoint presentations complete with animations. We can create blogs, posters, and even coffee mugs.

Today's worlds is vastly different. Desktop publishing, and even the ability to publish on the Internet, is available to the majority of people in the industrialized world.

Much like having poor handwriting, not having literacy results in miscommunication. Fonts, colors, layout and the propeer use of white space all affect how our message is conveyed, and nearly all of us have the ability to manipulate these factors. The world is need of writing and design literacy.

Why English

I love English for the below 3 reasons in mind.

  • Without question, It's one of the most widely spoken languages :p
  • With the world becoming so much closer and more connected, opportunities to travel and explore different parts of the world are more available and, as a result of having studied English.
  • It's very often the language used for many software programs and for those that are technologically minded and ambitious.